Sunday, December 10, 2006

and good riddance

Butcher Augusto has joined his buddy Reagan in Hell.

Now what's irritating is that the Polish libertarian community is blindly devoted to anything that's ever been said to be in favour of free markets, murder or no murder, corporate fascism or no corporate fascism. Consequently, we can expect lots of fawning over Miracle Boy and miscellaneous posthumous adoration. And that's really sad - that Polish right-wing libertarians - or conservative-liberals, as they like to call themselves, who are usually stepped in the arcana of Christian theology and philosophy have failed to absorb one basic lesson that so many American libertarians have been repeating for such a long time - never trust a polititian.

I suppose that it's the extreme socialistophobia that marks my fellow libertarians in our part of the globe pushes them to revere anything anti-communist. How fortunate for us (paradoxically) that libertarianism has not yet become a particularly well-known political truth and we've managed to avoid being branded by the media with the stigma of Reaganism or Pinochetism. Before we venture out into the wide, wild world of Polish politics we first have to shed libertarianism of this kind of ignorant reverence towards strongmen.

In other words, Poland needs a Libertarian Left.


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